Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Rikers Probe Exposes Drug Smuggling Network Involving Officers, Inmate

A probe into criminal activity at Riker’s Island has revealed a drug smuggling network involving seven correction officers.

Three of the officers are now facing charges, while four others are being disciplined.

Steven Dominguez and Divine Rahming are accused of trafficking and smuggling narcotics into Rikers, including cocaine and oxydone.

Former Correction Officer Deleon Gifth was charged with committing similar crimes in a different operation.

An inmate and his girlfriend are also named in the indictment.

The Department of Investigation says the charges are just the start of the in-depth investigation.

“But the broader issue is we need to determine the full scope and contours of the various types of illegal activity at Rikers and we then need to make a series of concrete solutions, including things like better screening of everybody who goes into the facility so that we can begin to break the cycle of whatever problems we’re seeing,” said DOI Commissioner Mark Peters.

The Department of Correction, released a statement saying, “We have absolutely no tolerance for corruption, including smuggling contraband that jeopardizes jail security and the safety of staff and inmates alike.”



via Great Local News: New York http://ift.tt/1iZiLP1

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