Explaining the #myNYPD uproar
Brooklyn: The people most likely to take to social media to express their views are aged 13 to 25, an age group whose members are prone to having knee-jerk reactions and engaging their mouths before putting their brains in gear. They’re also the age group most likely to be harshly dealt with by the police, because of the ignorant idealism and rebellion of youth.
People in my age group (26 to 100-plus) don’t respond to calls to express opinions on social media, because we have lives and don’t have time for such trivial pursuits. We’re the taxpayers who are bled to pay for the frivolous freedoms exhibited by those who hate police.
I’m willing to bet that the cop who solicited photos of people interacting with members of the NYPD never considered that the response would be an avalanche of photos showing cops proactively responding to people behaving unlawfully. The photos are a slanderous misrepresentation and distortion of the professionalism of the vast majority of New York’s Finest. Stan Rosenson
Not the finest idea
Manhattan: It’s almost funny how clueless someone at the NYPD could be to expect New Yorkers to shower the police with positive messages. What next? Will some needy Israeli in the Mossad or Likud set up a Twitter account to troll for laudatory comments from the oppressed Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank? Now, that would be funny! Steven Sica
Laurelton: Voicer Carlton Reese was right on in criticizing the NYPD. Mayor de Blasio ran and won on a progressive platform of normalizing police-community relations and reforming stop-and-frisk. His appointment of Bill Bratton as police commissioner was anything but progressive. This new policy of enforcing nuisance laws (like jaywalking) is just a smokescreen to allow for the stopping and interrogation of primarily non-white people. My 18-year-old son was recently stopped at a checkpoint and questioned as to why he was wearing tuxedo pants. He works at a catering hall where this is required attire. Wake up, de Blasio — get rid of Bratton and do what you campaigned on. Michael Ferguson
The finest idea
Manhattan: There is one way that the mayor and City Council can come together on policing needs and help create decent jobs for New Yorkers: Follow the Council’s recommendation to civilianize the NYPD. Commissioner Bratton testified that there are as many as 700 able-bodied uniformed police personnel doing routine clerical or administrative duties. Civilianization frees up uniformed officers to focus on community policing while creating decent-paying jobs. It is good public policy. Eddie Rodriguez, president, D.C. 37 and Local 1549
No crying in baseball
Spring Lake, N.J.: Raise your hands, ladies, if you are not familiar with baseball jargon such as “neck goop,” “pine tar” and other intricacies of the game making the front page of the Daily News, leaving most of us absolutely clueless as to what all the fuss was about with Michael Pineda — and giving us no choice but to pose our questions to our husbands, male friends or anyone so initiated. Barbara Barnett
The next suspension
Saddle Brook, N.J.: Yankee pitcher Michael Pineda must get more creative if he wishes to hide a foreign substance on his person to help him better grip the ball. A senior-citizen friend of mine who pitches in a softball league applies extra Poligrip to his dentures and uses the excess product when he wants to grip the ball better. Talk about Yankee ingenuity. Joseph M. Savoia
The bloom is off the rose
Manhattan: Michael Bloomberg is set to spend $ 50 million on a nationwide “grass-roots” organization to curb gun violence? Bravo, Bloomberg, you did it again: You’re doing nothing but sprinkling dollars around like snowflakes. How about putting some in the Citi Bike program or investing in storm protection? Suzy Sandor
Cover up
Port Washington, L.I.: I am glad I’m not the only one who is offended by all the nudity on the first few pages of your newspaper. Let’s get real and print the important news stories first, and place nudity toward the back of the paper. If readers care to find it, they will. I thank you in advance. Eleanor Rom Irish
Leader knows best
Manhattan: Why should Mayor de Blasio bother to learn or be deterred by the facts about carriage horses? After all, he is a progressive, and like that other progressive, President Obama, he always knows better than anyone else. Nancy Brenner
Bananas to bananas
Kearneysville, W. Va.: Mayor de Blasio: How is comparing carriage horses to police horses apples-to-oranges, if both are doing the jobs they have been bred to do for generations, and both have been selected for temperaments that allow them to do this job in a city? Anna Trotta
Stick to your knitting
Manhattan: It’s time Mr. Progressive started acting like the mayor of New York, not the mayor of Managua. Streets and infrastructure are crumbling. Garbage pickup and street cleaning are pathetic. Subways and buses are later than ever. Forget the horse-and-carriage thing. It’s an iconic part of the city and generates tremendous revenue as well as positive global P.R. If he doesn’t start doing his job, it’s one and done. Jeff D. Bockman
Women: Among the bravest
Manhattan: To Voicer James Hunter: You sound very simple. There are people of color in the FDNY who have college degrees and passed the required promotional tests. The rank of chief is an appointed promotional rank, not one determined by a test, and the FDNY continues not to appoint any person of color or any women. Janine Johnson
Shelter, now
Flemington, N.J.: It has been said that the true strength of a society is shown by how it treats the weakest of its members. During Mayor Bloomberg’s 12 years in office, homelessness in New York City reached an all-time high. Mayor de Blasio has a unique historical opportunity to return hope, health and dignity to thousands of people. There are proven steps and measures to protect the homeless population, including investing in long-term subsidized housing. Also, barriers to shelter and penalizing policies can be eliminated, shelter systems can be reformed and homelessness prevention can be expanded. Katie Mortara
Whitestone: Voicer Joseph Matarazzo wrote to inform me that Jesus was a real person. I never stated he was not. What I did state was that I cannot understand how any rational person can believe it is possible to die and then become alive again. This is simply impossible. And yes, people can have their beliefs. What I don’t appreciate is when those who believe in Jesus’ resurrection present this as fact and, worse, try to foist their beliefs on me. Jan Finney
Schools for scandal
Manhattan: Who the hell does Eva Peron Moskowitz think she is? Moskowitz should realize that she is not in Kansas anymore, where Bloomberg treated her like a prima donna. She may be wrapping Gov. Cuomo around her finger, but de Blasio is smart enough to see through her. Moskowitz makes $ 475,000 per year. She is getting money from hedge fund billionaires and the Walton family. She can easily afford to pay for her three charter schools from her own resources and stop mooching off public funds, which should be dedicated to students attending public schools. Reba Shimansky
Bleeding us dry
Glendale: In response to “How much is a life worth?” (Op-Ed, April 21), about a pill that costs $ 1,000 here but far less in other countries: The same goes on here with other drugs. After working all my life to get a pension, I’m now on Social Security and battling cancer for the last eight years. I was going to be put on a pill made by GlaxoSmithKline that would cost $ 8,000 a month. After speaking to a financial assistant there, I was told I do not qualify for assistance. I asked them how many people in the United States are on this pill and was told, “Sorry, we do not have that information available.” Bill Harvey
Leave it alone
Staten Island: I think it’s stupid to show a video about Muslims in the 9/11 Museum. It does not help the healing process and will probably agitate the wrong people. Everbody knows the history already. Let this place be a peaceful place! J. Whikehart
via Great Local News: New York http://ift.tt/1iZiLP1
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