Monday, November 25, 2013

Homicides among NYC youth down by almost half

Homicides among New York City youth has declined by nearly half thanks to the NYPD’s gang crackdown initiative, the city’s top cop announced Monday.

Over the last year, Operation Crew Cut, has conducted 25 city citywide investigations that resulted in over 400 indictments of young crew members for crimes including, murder, robbery and weapons possession, NYPD commissioner Ray Kelly announced.

Through November of this year, 43 homicide victims were between the ages of 13-21 compared to 87 in that category last year.

“Lives are being saved and a majority of those lives are young minority men,” Kelly said. “It should be alarming when the cycle of violence that afflicts some communities begins as early as age 11.”

Kelly also spoke about the increase of female involvement in these young crews, citing an incident this year where a 13-year old girl was stabbed with an icepick in the Marcus Garvey Houses in Brooklyn for refusing to assist members of the “Addicted To Cash Crew,” in finding a rival in another housing development and an arrest where police recovered a .22 caliber revolver in the pocketbook of a 14-year old girl.

“Detectives have found that girl on girl crime by crew members is vicious and growing more dangerous,” Kelly said.

Last year’s violence, attributed to a large amount of young people in crews, led to the creation of Operation Crew Cut, which assigns cops to monitor social media to stay on top of feuds and violence between the groups of teens and prevent crime before it happens.

Yahoo Local News – New York Post

via Great Local News: New York

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