Monday, November 10, 2014

NYPD to Curb Low-Level Marijuana Arrests

Rather than face arrest by the NYPD, those caught with small amounts of marijuana could soon be given a ticket.

Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner William Bratton are set announce the major drug policy shift today.

Those found in possession of small amounts of the drug would not be taken to jail, but given a court appearance or ticket.

What is not yet clear is how police will handle cases of smoking in public, and what threshold will be used to constitute an arrest.

New Yorkers we spoke to say the change is a good idea.

“People are gonna do what they wanna do. If it’s a small amount and they’re not really harming anyone. I think the problem arises when people do things publicly and it may be kind of invasive for other people’s rights, but I think it’s a good idea,” said one New Yorker.

“Give them a summons, and let them go. Because you’ll cost the city a lot more if you lock these guys up. Costs more money,” said another New Yorker.

“I don’t smoke, so it’s not a part of me, but for a small amount, a ticket would work. I think it’s a better thing,” noted a third New Yorker.

Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson has already announced his intention to not prosecute most cases of people found with small amounts of marijuana.


via Great Local News: New York

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